ቀን: ከሰኞ እስከ እሁድ በየቀኑ ለ 1 ሰአት   ሰአት/Time : ከምሽቱ ከ2 እስከ 3 ሰአት ድረስ በኢትዮጵያ ሰአት 1:00pm-2:00pm EST USA 7:00pm-8:00pm Europe ሞገድ : በ17.640 ኪሎ ኸርዝ አጭር ሞገድ ባንድ ስርጭቱን ያስተላልፉል Date : Every day Monday-Sunday Time : From 8pm to 3pm Ethiopian Time 1:00pm-2:00pm EST USA 7:00pm-8:00pm Europe WAVE : በ17.640 SW Radio

1888 Radio empower the AMHARA people by providing accurate and current information of the Amhara people in Ethiopia. The radio empowers the Amhara people to stand against injustice, human rights violations and genocide. 1888 Radio also promote the Amhara culture, tradition and its contribution the world civilization.
It is 1888 radio vision for Amhara people in Ethiopia to live freely within their country and to have shared economic, social and political power.
  • Empower and educate the Amhara people to stand against injustice.
  • Create international awareness about the Amhara Genocide in Ethiopia.
  • Stop Amhara genocide in Ethiopia..
  • Bring justice and accountability for those who endure ethnic cleansing and genocide.

Current War and Destruction

During a six-hour period, Ethiopian soldiers shot civilians on the streets and during house-to-house searches...

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Economical Marginalization

Denying agricultural row material

Unjust resource and budget allocation

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Social Marginalization

Labeling and dehumanizing the Amhara

Restriction from entering the capital city of Ethiopia, Addis Abeba

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Political Marginalization

Denying Amhara identity and committing genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Amhara in order to...

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